Oracle Database Administration

AIMSTAR's Oracle database administration service can help keep your new or existing database running in a healthy state. Data is often an organization's most valuable asset, and AIMSTAR has extensive experience in administering Oracle databases. AIMSTAR can ensure that an existing database remains healthy and reliable, troubleshoot problems with existing databases, tune your database for better performance and scalability, and enhance your database to allow it to offer more functionality.

Some examples of AIMSTAR's database administration services include designing backup and recovery schemes; analyzing data access patterns; analyzing logical and physical database structures including indexes, tablespace and data file distribution; analyzing database instance memory usage; and designing security protocols for your database.

Flexible plans available from a few hours a week to full-time. Please contact us for more information.

Past and current clients include the U.S. Census Bureau, NASA, U.S. Department of Transportation, and other commercial and government clients.

GSA IT Schedule 70
MD CATS+ Master Contractor
Maryland DOT Certified MBE/DBE